Delinquent Payments & Collections
Delinquent Payment Policies
All tuition and fees must be paid prior to the issuance of transcripts, grade report, certificates, diplomas and degrees. Students may not register for the next semester unless all tuition and fees are paid in full. If tuition and fees are not paid a financial hold is placed on the students’ account and they are no longer able to access the student information web site. In extraordinary circumstances, the President may make a documented exception to this. Any student owing money at any college in the CCSNH system, will not be allowed to register at any college in the system. A system office financial hold will be placed on the student’s account at all of the colleges.
Whenever any check, draft or money order issued in payment of any fee or for any purpose is returned to any state departments as un collectable, the department shall charge a fee of $35.00. This fee is in addition to all protest and bank fees and the amount of the check or money order.
If the college is unable to collect a student’s tuition and fees, the delinquent account may be submitted to a collections agency at the student’s expense. The overdue account may also be reported to a Credit Bureau. If a student has previously been assigned to collections and has paid in full, the student may be required to pay in full for subsequent semesters, at the start of the semester.
Students must sign and thereby agree to the following “collections clause” on all listed forms:
- Registration
- Add/Drop
- Facts Payment Plan
- Financial Aid Deferment/Awards
- Withdrawl
- On-Line registration
I understand by registering for courses at CCSNH, I am financially obligated for ALL costs related to the registered course(s). Upon a drop or withdrawl, I understand that I will be responsible for all charges as noted in the student catalog and handbook. I further understand that if I do not make payment in full, my account may be reported to the credit bureau and/or turned over to an outside collection agency. I also understand that I will be responsible for the costs of the outside collection agency, any legal fees, and any bounced check fees under RSA 6:11, which will add significant costs to my account balance.

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